A Very "Horrible" Halloween

Team Confusion, pictured here, wore our "Dr. Horrible" cosplay to AnimeUSA 2008. We couldn't announce that here until after Halloween...

Following the release of "Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog," our friend J decided that he would make a Dr. Horrible costume for Halloween. As we love J greatly, we couldn't let him dress up alone. We made/purchased costumes of our own and proceeded to hide this fact from him for months.

Another friend, R, who was also participating in our little plan dressed up like Penny. She accidentally put on Facebook that she was making a Penny costume, and we narrowly escaped detection through an elaborate story that supposed took R out of town for a Halloween party where she was dressing opposite an ex-boyfriend. This was totally false, but worked. (And, apparently, it was convincing enough that J was upset at R for not playing Penny against his Dr. Horrible.)

On Halloween, we made sure Dr. Horrible showed up at the party first. Then, we sent in Penny, much to Dr. Horrible's surprise. But when Captain Hammer and his groupies showed up, Dr. Horrible tried to sneak away.

Much fun!